Noooooo thanks.
I hate that i have that mid-twenties snobbery towards working with teenagers but, seriously, it's a drag. I have nothing against them personally but, their work ethic makes me want to smash nails underneath my fingernails.
Ah well, i guess we were all there once.
However! I did have the most amazing sushi today for lunch! My favoriate from HUI CHUAN SUSHI where they have the most amazing ever sushi called "Cowgirl Roll" (fuck you all, it's Texas) with mango and avacado and crab and this awesome spicy mango sauce that makes your lips burn.
Omg, it's so good you don't even want to eat anything after you eat it because the aftertaste is so good.
Now this picture doesn't really do much justice but it's so damn delicious:
Okay, that's all. Feeling sad? Eat some sushi!
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