Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Do I Get?

Between David Bowie (see my blog Musical Cereal), Nietzsche, drinking with my mom's bestfriend and a new-found devotion to the new spaper in general; i think i'm either going crazy or having the best coming-of-age experience ever for someone my age. I'd kind of like to believe i'm going crazy, that way, i won't seek damage control and i'll just keep going. Because honestly, i'd really like to have something better to write about than my intense disapproval of society as a whole. The funny thing is, last night, i partied it up with people i have not much in common with, people who don't strive for knowledge or to better themselves; people who have simply accepted themselves and built from their mistakes. To put it simply: they strive for happiness.
Even stranger, i didn't feel that gap i usually feel between myself and others. I wasn't studying them or watching their every move, analyzing everything and making mental logs of social patterns. It was a nice break to actually be social and not awkward. Perhaps it was because they're not insecure and needy, or because they don't cry about their problems. Or perhaps because they were all men instead of whiny women.
And in other mediocre news of yours truly, I found Craig Wilson who is a great columnist for Usa Today and who's sarcasm and wit for such a popular newspaper comforts me in my dream of being a music columnist. It was like finding the needle in the haystack. J'aime adore!

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