Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Wouldn't mama be proud?"

In a recent boost of maturity, i've decided it's time for me to stop being childish about my paranoia and conspiracy theorist tendencies and start reading the paper and learning what's going on in the world again. A week and a half in to my new-found maturity, i've found that my passion towards people is amplified and opinionated. As a result, last night i sat in my closet/office/art room and cried while i read about how shitty the world can be. But, also in doing so, i realized that my desire to be a journalist is incredibly strong and i'm open-minded enough to do the job well. Regardless of how i'm viewed here, in my personal blog, the me that lives inside of my head is much more mature and observant. The way i'm affected by things and the opinions they create for both sides, i'd make a damn fine journalist and i know this. Not in an arrogant sort of way but in a way that creates ambition and willpower.
I know this is boring and i apologize but, sometimes it just needs to be said.

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