Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MY thoughts of the mental and the physical

"Whatever is profound loves masks; what is most profound even hates image and parable. Might nothing less than the opposite be proper disguise for the shame of a god?"
-Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil)

Because of this, i have decided to start sharing my opinions...


Lately, i've battled thoughts of the mental world and the physical world. While i cry out that we should accept our mental beings and blind ourselves to the physical world, it's simply impossible. We are attached to the physical and because of our society, the two have been fused together. There is no way to avoid the visual prejudices of the common man. Even in my bestfriend, i see how she allows herself to be defined by her relationships which are measured on a physically attractive scale. She pulsates through a social network of people equally deprived of character. While this seems a cruel thing to say, it's not, it's a simple observation. She doesn't look for the good in people (the mental), she looks at how they make her look. Which leads to vicarious narcissism, which we will not approach today. For now, i will speak of the mental and physical world.
The psychology of the mind is incredible - to not accept who we are when we can physically be no other is absurd.
Our physical being; our physical surroundings should not define us, should not divide us or create caste systems with impenetrable walls build of things we bear no mental significance to.
Everyone wants to believe they are important; that our lives are somehow incredibly significant. But unfortunately, one "true", cruel, undeniable fact is: no one is important. No one's life is exceptional, we live to the best of our capabilities, a wide, wide, wide range of capabilities. We're so small and insignificant and in the big, BIG picture, our lives are so, so short. We're merely specs of dust; grains of sand, if you will. But this isn't morbid, this is beautiful, absolutely amazing.
So the one true, wonderful thing that seperates us from everything we know about the universe thus far, our thoughts. But, most choose to be ignorant to them; to deny them a room in their minds. Instead, we accept the physical because, it's "changeable", eaiser to decieve with. BEcause it seperates us and allows a definite "significance"; a most obvious difference.
But, with our thoughts combined, we grow; learn; find peace; find solutions. Life could be easier. But, because we live in the physical, we create these caste systems and cruel differenct, yet, become alike in a way that greatly fades the beauty of our existence. By creating standards; expectations, we're simply creating restraints. Yet, our thoughts have no restraints. We are denying ourselves the honest luxury of gain; of growth.
I can understand the importance of living in the physical when it comes to touch and smell and hearing but, i do not understand why the visual should so cruely seperate us.
There is no sincerity in the visual aspect of the physical. It's superficial, all of it, it has no choice.
"i think, therefore i am" applys soley to the individual. Regardless of one's ability to be unaffected by the thoughts of others, if you believe we're mental then, other's thoughts do, indeed, need to be accounted for.
How unfortunate that it is so superficial. "i think, therefore i am" does not understand that our physical beings are now a representation of our mental beings. We have come to a point in our shambles of a society where they must both validate one another. How do we now, shed our physical prejudices towards one another? How can we fully portray our mental being without being shunned by our physical differences?

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